
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Dog Thief and Other Stories by Jill Kearney

This collection of short stories and a novella describes the complex relationships between people and animals in an area of rural poverty. In “Sparrows” a meth addict finds a gift to give her lonely brother. An alcoholic in “Beer Money” sneaks into his ex-wife’s house to use her shower and her bed and encounters his elderly dog. The teen aged protagonist in the “The Quest” deals with her first encounter with death. In "The Dog Thief”, the misfits of a backwoods community are confronted with the abusive behavior of one of their neighbors. A teenage delinquent in “The Angel” accidentally tells an elderly man just what he needs to hear. The stories are realistic and based on life in the backwoods of Mason County, Washington state, an area akin to Appalachia. My book was listed in Kirkus Review as one of the top one hundred indy publications of 2015. Purchase here I am an artist, and I live on an island in Puget Sound with my husband and my dogs. I work as a ca...

New fantasy release "From Wrath To Ruin" by Justin Enos

In exile from his homeland... As a mercenary, Tijodrin has wandered far and wide, and now his travels have brought him to the great city of Hohvenlor, a city he knows well. He quickly finds himself caught up in a fierce rivalry that threatens to destroy two powerful merchant families and turn the streets of Hohvenlor into a battlefield. Within the city walls, Tijodrin will find danger in many forms. Can he survive the endless plots of the vengeful merchants and the swords of their bloodthirsty henchmen, as well as the lurking daggers of the shadowy assassin's guild? Purchase here Growing up in a military family, Justin Enos was lucky enough to get to see a lot of the world as a child. Born in Thailand, he subsequently lived in Kentucky, Maryland, Vermont, California, Germany and Virginia. He hasn’t stopped moving around as an adult either, calling Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Thailand again, and now Portland, Oregon home. Justin began devouring books at a young age and his i...

Debut release: "Everything is Normal" the life and times of a Soviet kid by Sergey Grechishkin

Everything is Normal offers a lighthearted worm’s-eye-view of the USSR through the middle-class Soviet childhood of a nerdy boy in the 1970s and ’80s. A relatable journey into the world of the late-days Soviet Union, Everything is Normal is both a memoir and a social history—a reflection on the mundane deprivations and existential terrors of day-to-day life in Leningrad in the decades preceding the collapse of the USSR. Sergey Grechishkin’s world is strikingly different, largely unknown, and fascinatingly unusual, and yet a world that readers who grew up in the United States or Europe during the same period will partly recognize. This is a tale of friendship, school, and growing up—to read Everything is Normal is to discover the very foreign way of life behind the Iron Curtain, but also to journey back into a shared past. Purchase here Life's journey took Sergey Grechishkin from a communal flat in Leningrad, through studies in China and France, and on to top banking...

International crime "The Tomb of the Primal Dragon" by Will Ruff

Arthur Biers, a young would-be historian just returned from a trip to Xi'an, China that nearly got him killed when he's questioned by the American Ambassador to China. He has a fresh wound, he's been discredited in the media as a grave robber, and his role in the illegal excavation of the first emperor of China's tomb nearly started a war. The United States government wants to know what happened. He recalls the story directly to the Ambassador who desperately wants to smooth things over. Purchase here Will Ruff was a Chinese history major, and spent a semester in Beijing at Tsinghua University. He wrote his senior thesis in college on Nixon's trip to China, and won a scholarship to visit the National Archives in College Park, MD, where Nixon's private White House tapes were kept, and he really wants people to care about China. He has been fascinated with the middle kingdom since he decided to study Mandarin and Chinese history, and The ...

Author Interview: T. Stedman

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from?  I am a UK author with five full length novels, a novella and one non-fiction book under my belt. I write Dark Romance and my migrainewise blog which was the spark that drove My Migraine Story - my first venture into non-fiction. How long have you been writing?  I have always been a writer. I wrote short stories and poetry growing up. Occasionally I would write plays and radio shows that my brothers and I would perform and record on a small tape recorder. It still makes me laugh when I think of the comedy sketches I wrote with my friend. We saw ourselves as a budding French and Saunders. What was the inspiration for your most recent book? My latest book, My Migraine Story , grew out of my Migrainewise blog. I am a chronic migraineur and manage my own migraines with a holistic approach. I conduct my own clinical trials and report my findings. It's kind of an extension of the day job, ...

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