Author Khaled Talib discusses development of his newest thriller "Gun Kiss"
Today we're welcoming author Khaled Talib to The Book Cove. He's the author of three novels -- the most recent titled Gun Kiss was published December 2017 and has received rave reviews. TBC: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? KT: I was born and raised in Singapore. I've been writing since I was a kid. Although I did attain some recognition, I never realized my full potential until much later. My little voice, once lost, kept pressing me on. To date, I've authored three novels. I am self-taught, never once having the opportunity to attend a workshop or a school to learn the craft. Along the route, I experienced agony and ecstasy. I ended up being a magazine writer before switching to the field of public relations. It also involved some form of writing though different from fiction. I find myself more interested in writing fiction as it allows my imagination to thrive in more ways than one. It's like baking a cake, you know; there are many...