Book Talk: A behind-the-scenes look at a book reviewer's life (Part I) - The bad but sometimes comedic stories

I'm going to attempt to write these posts in a semi-short (HAH! Yeah right) series that allows me to express some of the ups and downs of being a book reviewer . I don't want this to come off as a bitchy rant about my trials and tribulations. Because it's not. Nor do I wish this post to come off as me being an All Mighty of the review community. This is a post that has been in the works for a little while simply because I wasn't sure how I wanted to go about it. I'm sure by the end, it will sound like I'm shaming some part(s) of whatever subset of the book/reader community while raising others parts up on a pedestal. But really, when you're in this "business", you tend to not be as sensitive about offending people or inflating egos ;-) This post is more meant as a behind-the-scenes peek as to what some reviewers' lives are like . It's a collection of stories that have happened to me and others. Hopefully this brings some better un...