Feature and Follow #10 (Christmas book haul)

What is Feature and Follow?

F&F is a weekly blog hop that consists of book bloggers. It is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee. The rules of involvement are simple:
1.) Link up on the blog hop Linky gadget below this post, 2.) follow the hosts via their network of choice, 3.) follow the weekly featured blog via their network of choice (this week is Magic of Words), and lastly, 4) check out the rest of the blogs on the hop! If you become a new follower of a blog, let them know and they will follow you back.

The F&F is a great way to network, meet other book bloggers, and gain new followers. Even more so, it's a great way to drive discussion on a certain weekly topic.

This week, the topic is:

Describe your Christmas book haul! Which books did you receive? If you do not celebrate Christmas, which books did you receive/buy/read this week?

Our responses:
There are two bloggers for The Book Cove featured. Be sure to check out both of their follow sites.

 Co-Blogger L.A. Kelley:

Around my house, the Feast of Christmas Day is always followed by the Ruing of Christmas Night when I beg absolution for overindulgence in holiday goodies. Collapsed on the sofa, barely able to rouse from my turkey coma, I mumble vows impossible to keep. “I will not horde Aunt Janie’s peanut butter pie ever again. Circling it protectively with one arm, wielding a raised fork like a dagger with the other, snarling at anyone who dares approach—it was a bit much, but damn that pie is smack yo’ mama good.” Comfort only comes from curling up with a book on the sofa. At least until I’m overpowered by the desire to nibble at the leftovers. Lately my reading choices have been ebooks, so no pile of paperbacks under the tree. Here are some I’ve downloaded for the holiday season.

If I’m lucky a log will be crackling in the fireplace, but as this is north Florida, Christmas is as likely to be accompanied by balmy breezes, often carrying the scent of fried turkey. This southern favorite is always cooked by two guys named something like Bubba and Cooter. Swallow back anxious feeling when you realize neither has eyebrows. When one shouts, “Hey, y’all, watch this!”, step briskly away. While waiting for the fire department and the EMT’s to respond, page through A Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays. I’m a big fan of Ree Drummond’s recipes. They’re simple, delicious, and won’t blow up in your face.

Although a fantasy writer, I often read other genres. My mother was afraid of heights, but loved stories about mountain climbing. Maybe it’s genetic—like Mom I’m drawn to something I can’t do. My favorite is nonfiction, either historic or scientific. Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies is a little known bit of fact about one of the most unusual military units ever assembled. While a true story, it would have made a darn good fantasy.  Well written spy stories invariably do. Another one is George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring that Saved the American Revolution. So secret were their identities one agent is even unknown today. Last, I always need something to make me think and shake the cobwebs off my brain cells. By the end of the year the synapses fire only intermittently. Malcolm Gladwell works wonders. David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants is his latest, challenging entrenched beliefs about obstacles and disadvantages.

Happy reading and keep your mitts off my pie.

http://lakelleythenaughtylist.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default L. A. Kelley is the author of The Naughty List. She’s married with three kids and lives in Florida where the heat and humidity drives everyone slightly mad. She never cleans under her sofa. You can find her at http://lakelleythenaughtylist.blogspot.com

Co-Blogger Jessi:

Well, due to bad Michigan weather leaving a majority of the mid-state without power for 6 days, our family Christmas had to be postponed until tomorrow (Saturday). So I will start this post with books that I have purchased/read this week and hopefully have a chance to update it with some after Saturday (it's usually a given that some family member goes through my book wish list).

Ever since I heard that Karey White was set to release My Own Mr. Darcy  back in the summer, I was super excited to be able to get the book! For whatever reason, I put off the purchase until this past week. As most know, I'm a huge Jane Austen fan, and what could be better than a contemporary take on a classic? I am almost finished with it and I must say - it certainly didn't disappoint! It's smart and comical - with traces of Austenesque style but in a very much contemporary fashion. It is not a retelling of Pride and Prejudice, but a book that is written using the concept of Jane Austen's Mr. Darcy and how one 20-something girl took that concept of finding the "perfect Mr. Darcy" far too literal. 

And that's my haul for the week! I hope everyone has had a wonderful time in their Holiday celebrations, and here's to great reads to come in 2014!



  1. Oh, sorry about that. I really want to read this book though. It seems interesting and I like Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice so the title grabs me.

    My FF

    1. It's unfortunate, but definitely made me more appreciative of things over the holiday! Thanks for stopping by, Shane

  2. Thanks for visiting! Following back via bloglovin :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Twinspin. I enjoyed your FF

  3. Oh, I want to read this My Own Darcy book, it looks interesting.
    New Follower via GFC. my FF: http://myaddictionforbooksandcoffee.blogspot.com/2013/12/feature-and-follow-5_26.html?

    1. Thanks for stopping by Esraa. The book was on sale on Amazon, though I'm not sure if it still is.

  4. Thanks for stopping by! I'm your newest follower via Bloglovin'

  5. L.A. Kelley - I find it fascinating that you are a fantasy writer that likes to read historical non-fiction. Does it help you with ideas on your next book, or maybe a reprieve from writing fantasy?

    New Follower on Bloglovin:

    1. The problem with reading a fantasy is that I always want to change something. "No, no, no! I'd never have the heroine to that! She must do this instead!" As I'm reading, I'm rewriting in my head. I don't do that as much with history or science, although I will admit to tweaking the American Revolution in Barbara Tuchman's The First Salute by injecting into the colonial rebel forces a squad of female dirigible attack pilots.

  6. Love Pioneer Woman's cookbooks and recipes. :-) I am intrigued by the My Own Mr. Darcy book--I will have to check it out. I am in Michigan too though I am lucky that my family's home did not loose power. We were driving home trying to beat the storm though last Sunday.

    Thanks for visiting Love. Life. Read today. Happy Reading!

  7. The Pioneer Woman cookbook sounds interesting. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week!

    1. I haven't heard of it until now - perhaps I should check it out!

    2. My thighs will attest to her cooking prowess.

  8. Thanks for the follow, I'm following you through Bloglovin' as well.

  9. Thanks for the follow Jessi. You got great books. The Pioneer Woman is fantastic. I have never met a recipe of hers that I didn't like. I'm also really intrigued by the Revolutionary spy ring, that sounds really interesting!
    Happy FF!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following you via bloglovin.
    Free Spirit Books

  11. Oh sorry to hear that. Haven't heard of My Own Mr. Darcy until now but it sounds interesting. Enjoy your reading =)
    Thanks for stopping by. Old follower
    Amie @Magic of Words

  12. I love the Pioneer Women sooo much! I don't really watch the show that often but I love the website. Amazing!!

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. I agree. I just tried the Dr. Pepper cupcakes and they were really good.

  13. I have seen Pioneer Women a couple of times on TV, I bet that's a great cookbook! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  14. Looks like you guys picked up some awesome reads!! I hope you had a great Christmas :)
    Ninja Girl

    1. I did, Ninja Girl. Come to think of it, I've never had a bad one.

  15. Ooh, looks like an awesome haul! Now following via bloglovin'

  16. L. A. Love it that you like the historical spy stuff too! Old follower. My FF

    1. Went to FF. Adore Totally Useless Information, the more useless the better. Did you know Beatrix Potter had to self-publish The Tales of Peter Rabbit because all the editors she submitted it to thought it was crap.

  17. Hi there, following thru from Parajunkie's FF, and now following you via Twitter. You can find my blog at Kismet Book Reviews & Tours
    Happy Holidays!

  18. Hope you enjoy your reads! ;)
    New Bloglovin' follower!
    My FF

    1. Thanks for the follow, Emmanuel. I plan on getting plenty of reading in the next few days :-)

  19. I can't say I have any desire to pick up your non-fic reads (I'm a novel junkie, through & through), but I did enjoy the description of your love-hate relationship with pie. (I have a similar fondness for cookies. All cookies). So I'm a new follower. :)

    Here's my FF, if you feel like stopping by!:

  20. Thanks for stopping by my FF! :D It sounds like L.A. had a pretty good Christmas! That sucks Jessi, I also live in MI but managed to escape the power outage phenomenon - this time anyways! I hope you got some good ones on Saturday. I'm following back on Bloglovin' and Facebook!

    1. Hey there fellow Michigander :-) Lucky for you! You don't realize how much the simple things mean to you until your stuck with nothing in the freezing cold! Thanks for the follow

  21. My Own Mr.Darcy looks really good!!
    Thanks for following me, I returned the favor :)
    Aneta @ Angelic-reviews.blogspot.com

  22. Nice books! The only one I've heard of is My Own Mr. Darcy and I've seen some great reviews on it, hope you enjoy your books! Thanks for stopping by :)

    1. I just finished my review on it. It was one of the best contemporary takes on Jane Austen's work that I've come across!

  23. Thanks for visiting! Following back via Bloglovin and Twitter.

  24. Those are some awesome books!!! Thank you for sharing!!

  25. We had a huge power outage as well in our area, it was crazy!
    Thanks for stopping by, followed back on BL :)
    Happy Holidays!


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