A penny for your thoughts (#28)

I believe in the power of starting the the week off with a positive or provoking thought -- and so was created A Penny For Your Thoughts . This is a weekly discussion/blog hop that will feature quotes of all kinds; classics, character, book-movie, personal, etc. The themes will range from funny to serious, but really it all depends on how you interpret it! How does this work? Every Sunday a quote will be posted Enter the giveaway by posting your thoughts on a post of your own or in the comment section below . Collect the pennies! Every week there will be a penny to collect and include with your post, if you choose. RAFFLE ENTRY: Submit your blog link or comment link to this form so that your name can be uploaded to a raffle generator. On the last Sunday of every month the entries from the form above will be entered in a drawing. You get as many entries as you have pennies for the ...