A penny for your thoughts (#27)

I believe in the power of starting the the week off with a positive or provoking thought -- and so was created A Penny For Your Thoughts. This is a weekly discussion/blog hop that will feature quotes of all kinds; classics, character, book-movie, personal, etc. The themes will range from funny to serious, but really it all depends on how you interpret it! How does this work?

  1. Every Sunday a quote will be posted
  2. Enter the giveaway by posting your thoughts on a post of your own or in the comment section below
  3. Collect the pennies! Every week there will be a penny to collect and include with your post, if you choose.
  4. RAFFLE ENTRY: Submit your blog link or comment link  to this form so that your name can be uploaded to a raffle generator.
  5. On the last Sunday of every month the entries from the form above will be entered in a drawing.  You get as many entries as you have pennies for the month. Prizes will include books, gift cards, site promotion, and other bookish winnings!
  6. Have fun! This is a fun way to start some discussion, discover blogs, and get to know more people. Please re-post these steps so that followers understand the process.

My thoughts...

It's normal to feel like you're not where you're supposed to be. Be it a career, relationship, family, body image, mental state...we all go through this cyclic motion of trying to get ourselves to our personal best in each of these places. I don't know about you, but I know the line I feed myself in these times is "I need to find myself". Which is partly true. Finding what makes you happy is part of finding yourself. Sometimes it's easy to look at someone else and see how happy and content they appear (on the outside, at least) and start planning our future based on that persons paving stones instead of laying our own. Yet every time I've attempted to follow someone else's lead, I've always wound up on my own path -- which I believe is the point of life! Finding inspiration in others is great, but putting my own spin on life is what I do best ;)

Collect the penny and share your thoughts! (worth 1 entry)


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