Review: Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines

Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines

 Blair is an out of luck girl that has wound up under the care of her absent-throughout-childhood father. Coming from a small town in Alabama shes in for a bit of a rude awakening as she enters her new Ritzy Glitz lifestyle. With this lifestyle change comes Rush. Rush is everything Blair hates in this world; rich, egotistic, and arrogant. But, Blair needs help getting her footing in this new place and Rush can offer just that...and she'll do whatever it takes to get over her past.

...More like Fallen A Little Too Short... at least the cover had a good story going in my head...

I love Abbi Glines but this one definitely fell short. Like, if I were to Evel Knievel the Grand Canyon I would have slipped off from the edge. I really wish it hadn't been that way. But it was. And because it had such raving reviews from others, I was actually shocked that I couldn't get into it!

Fallen Too Far was another virgin meets sex god story by Glines. Not that that's a bad thing. After all, it's what you come to expect with these books. But I just found that it got old really quick and I lost all interest about half way through.

I will admit, this book had some steam to it. The tension was built up well and the pacing of the book was decent. But somewhere I lost my interest, and I'm not sure why. Something just didn't click for me. My best guess for this is because I read a lot of Gline's books close together and got burnt out with the story line: virgin girl, sex god boy, love/hate relationship. On top of that, it's as if every male character that turned up in the book was a playboy. Except for Grant. I loved Grant! He was the only honest person in the entire book and I felt that he had more of a connection to Blair than any of the other booty chasing boys.

Rush exudes the good boy gone bad (at some point in his life...still trying to figure that part out). However, I felt his character to be extremely underdeveloped and I didn't feel much for him. Actually, he pissed me off more than anything. Usually when that happens by the end of the book you can at least say you liked the character a little bit. But I couldn't say that here.

Overall, if you're a Glines fan, you will probably enjoy this for its classic storyline and fairly steamy scenes. However, for me it was just too much of the same thing, and I was totally pulling for a different hook-up combo than what played out in the book.


Steam ***
Characters ***
Writing Quality *****
Plot (Originality) ***

My rating: 

Amazon: 4.5
Good Reads: 4.37


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