Feature and Follow #1 (Are you a book hoarder?)

Increase Blog FollowersThe Book Cove is part of a Blog Hop that was organized by the wonderful Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. So please, check out their sites and follow them :-)

What is a Blog Hop? It is a great way for bloggers to connect! Bloggers can enter their site information to a Blog Hop form where they are then added to a list. Then each blogger goes through the list and follows whomever they want!

How can you get involved? The deadline for the current one is coming to a close - but there are always more going on! Joining Linky is a great way to discover other Hops.

What do you need to do? The key to a hop is to follow each other and allow our blogs to reach a broader community. So in common blogger-courtesy, please follow-back those that follow you.

My Blog Lovin' and Networked Blogs follow links, specifically, are icons 2 and 3 at the top of the page (hover over for descriptions of each) Linky is in side bar - Choose your poison ;-)

Blog Hop blog question: What do you do with books once you are done with them?

I have a TON of books...unfortunately I don't have a ton of space. So they currently sit in my closet and take up about as much room as my clothes... I love most of the books that I buy in hard-copy form. So it's hard for me to want to get rid of them! Because I never know when I will want to read them again or share them with somebody. However, when I have the chance and the mind-set to purge, I donate them to local schools and the library. The great thing about eReaders is that I can hoard books all I want and no one can judge me ;-)


  1. Thank you to all of my new followers - unfortunately, I didn't realize I had G+ comments enabled and when I unchecked it I lost all of my comments :-(

  2. I'm out of room for my books too and I just got 4 more tonight! I keep telling my husband that we need more bookshelves, but he wants me to find ones that match our decor, which is proving impossible. /sigh

    1. I just keep collecting them because I figure the can go in my massive in-house library that I'm sure I'll have...in another lifetime ;-)

  3. I was very pleased to find this site.I wanted to thank you for this great read I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post.
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  4. Oh, your poor closet. I think we all suffer from the lack of space! :\

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Following back via Linky.

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I wish I had room in my house to display some of them...

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following you as well.

  6. I think the only judgement of people with "too many books" is that they are interesting people. I have the same trouble - only mine are all out on shelves. My blog: BlogTheEclectic.blogspot.com

    1. Good point! At least I can say I usually have a conversation starter ;-)

  7. So true about ebooks! My husband bought me a second bookshelf a few months ago to store the books that were stacked on every surface of our house, and now that one is overflowing, too. But I'm the one he comes to when he needs a new book to read. He's a huge reader, too, and I feel lucky we share a love for books. :) Even though he complains about the amount of books I buy. I still buy physical books even though he bought me a Kindle a couple years ago. I can't help it - some of them are so pretty they just need to go on my shelf, lol.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF, and I'm following back by Bloglovin' and Google+. :D

    1. That's great that you both enjoy it :-) I love displaying books as well - especially the classics

  8. ebooks have saved my marriage. Well, no not really but without them I'm sure I'd be featured on an episode of Hoarding!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF. Followed you back.

    Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book

    1. Haha, the downfall of eBooks is that it is SOO much easier for me to spend way too much money on books

  9. Thank you! I am now following you:-)

  10. You very right about the ereader but then again nothing beats a hard copy :) but I do hoard on my ereader..maybe a little to much :)

    New follower

    Thanks for stopping by My FF

  11. Just returning the visit. Thanks for stopping by my FF
    I'm following you back via Bloglovin.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  12. Your so right, although I love physical books, ebooks allow you to hoard as many as you want without judgment!

    Thanks for stopping by & following - following back :)

  13. Follwing on G+ - that place is the best. :)

  14. They do take up room, but us book lovers just have to keep them!!

    Thanx for visiting my FF!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    New Follower :)

  15. Hi Jessie :) Thanks for stopping by my FF post to comment and follow :) I am following you back via Bloglovin'

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  16. E-books are a blessing and a curse for book hoarders lol
    Thanks for stopping by my FF, I'm a new Bloglovin' follower :)

  17. If it is the books that I love I will never get rid of them but will for sure keep them for life. If it is the books that I don't like then I will just give them away since I cannot even stand the sight of them. Anyway thanks for stopping by and I follow back via bloglovin =)

    Amie @Magic of Words


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