A Little Bit About Me

I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself, first, before I begin posting things, so, here is a little bit about me!
My name is Felicia and I am a new co-blogger for this site. Besides this, I am a student, a blogger, and a You Tuber.
One of my main fascinations have always been with books and my main category of choice is YA (Young Adult) but I am usually pretty open to other options as I have indulged into some exceptional adult novels.
Besides reading, I am working on my own novel (that I hope to publish one day) and I enjoy writing poetry, shopping, and learning about things that interest me. I especially love to build relationships with others and have become comfortable with having my "go-to" people in certain areas of life that I know I can shoot a quick email over to them and they will give me a thorough and honest answer.
This has inspired me to be that same person to others, so, below are some of my links and also ways that you can contact me:
Follow Me on Twitter @FelciaFielder
Check out My blogs:
Spotlight- my random fascinations- thereviewsister.wordpress.com
Writer's World- my poetry and writing blog- writetoyoheartscontent.wordpress.com
Here is my Poetry and Public Speaking Website for Beginners:
My YouTube (you can inbox me, too):
Feel free to contact me, personally, at thereviewsister@gmail.com
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