Feature and Follow #6 (One book for life)

Increase Blog FollowersI'm a little late on my FF post this week as I've been in and out of town and busy with work. Actually...I'm procrastinating on writing a paper right now with this post ;-)

What is a Feature and Follow?

(Courtesy of Parajunkee): The goal is to increase blog followers and make friends. First you leave your name here on this post, (using the linky tools — keep scrolling!) then you create a post on your own blog that links back to this post (easiest way is to just grab the code under the #FF picture and put it in your post) and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them “hi” in their comments (on the post that has the #FF image). You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you! What sets this Hop apart from others, is our Feature. Each week we will showcase a Featured Blogger, from all different genres and areas. Who is our Feature today? Find out below. Just remember it is required, if you participate, to follow our Features and you must follow the hosts (Parajunkee & Alison Can Read) as a courtesy.

 FF prompt of the week: If you could only have ONE – one book – for the rest of your life. Don’t cheat…what would it be?

This is hard for me because I'm not someone who typically re-reads books. Matter of fact, I can only think of a series that I've re-read (The Gardella Vampire Chronicles) but that's not necessarily something that I would choose to be my only book (and because it's a series so choosing one book defeats the likeability). I'm also not someone who has read a lot of the "classics", so it's hard for me to think of one of those that really sticks out in my mind.

I'm a romance junkie and love the lighter pre-Victorian setting in Jane Austen's books. My two favorite are Mansfield Park and Pride and Prejudice and if I had to choose, I'd have to go with Pride and Prejudice. This is a book that I'm sure is popping up a lot on the this FF, but I have no fear of not being "original" when it comes to good reads ;-)  Pride and Prejudice is just one of those books that offers so much to 19th century fans. As with all of Austen's books, it has got the strong opinionated female and steadfast male characters that have you either laughing or your heart breaking on every page. And I particularly love the dialog and interactions in Pride and Prejudice compared with Austen's other works, which is why I'm choosing that particular book. I think that it is one of the stronger written books that makes you feel for the secondary characters just as much as the main characters.
My BL follow button is on the floating share bar - if you have something like Ghostery enabled, you will have to whitelist this site for the follow button to show. 

So how about you? What's the one and only book you could read for the rest of your life? And if you're a Jane Austen fan, what is your favorite book of hers and why?


  1. Thanks for stopping by my FF. You said new follower. On which platform?

    Have a good week!

    Sandra @ SSBF Blog

    1. Blog Lovin. It's my default go-to and I always forget to mention that :-)

    2. LOL. Thanks, but I still don't have you, and I don't have a notification about it either. I get one for every person that joins Bloglovin'. Unless they are slow today. :)

    3. Forgot to add, I am however, following you on Bloglovin'. ;)

    4. Hmm, it has you clicked as followed. I unfollowed and refollowed again. I haven't received anything from BL the last few days either so I'm not sure what's going on.

    5. Got you now. Something must be up, because I followed you earlier, but when I got the notification now, it tells me I wasn't following you! Seriously. Growl. So, I clicked it again! Well, I think we are sorted now. *crosses fingers* :)

  2. I may not be a fan of Jane Austen but I love how detailed you were as to why you chose this book. Very well said.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am now a new follower of yours on bloglovin and I look forward to reading your future posts.

    1. Thank you. I'm a fan of detail (if you couldn't tell by many of my long winded posts haha) I appreciate you stopping by!

  3. That's a great choice!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new Bloglovin follower =)


  4. I'm not much of a classics reader but this is a good one. Great choice! Thanks for stopping by my FF. Old follower :-)

  5. Nice choice! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for being a follower.
    Old BlogLovin' follower of yours.
    -Maria @ Reading the Alphabet

  6. Great choice. I'm a big fan of Pride and Prejudice too.
    Old follower :)

  7. I loved the movie. Haven't read any of her books though xD

    Thanks for stopping by my FF - New Bloglovin' Follower :)

    1. I love the movie too (Knightley and McFadden version)! It makes me love the book even more because afterwards I read it again with a slightly different perspective of the characters

  8. I'm usually a bit afraid of classics, but this one sounds like a very good choice! :)
    Followed on Bloglovin' :)

    1. I can really get into these types of classics because I love the regency romance element. That's what made it so easy for me to read old English and the like by Bronte, Austen, etc. but yet I find it hard (near impossible) to make it through a few pages of Shakespeare. That and I've never had to interpret something like P&P versus having to write "philosophy" papers on Shakespeare which pretty much ruined it for me...sigh...

  9. Hey that's a good choice! I haven't read P&P but I'd like to, and i liked the movie version too.

    1. This is one of the few that I think the movie does the book justice :-)

  10. Nice! Saw a lot of Jane Austen this weekend!

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog! Returning the follow!

    Have a GREAT day!

    NEW Follower :D

  11. See, I tend to stay away from classics, they scare me for some reason. But I really should read Pride and Prejudice soon, seen it on a couple of others so seems a popular pick, which makes me want to read it more :)

    Thanks for stopping by mine and I'm following you back on bloglovin.

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. They tend to scare me too. But Mr. Darcy is so swoon worthy that it's worth it ;-)

  12. Ahh, I don't think you can go wrong wuth Jane Austen. Great choice. Thanks for stopping by my FF. Old follower via bloglovin'

    Linsey @ mybooksnthings.com

  13. Thanks for stopping by my FF, I'm following you back on Bloglovin' as well! I have trouble reading Jane Austen, but if it was all I had to read, I'd probably really get to where I enjoyed it as I'd have lots of time to read it over and over and get all the stuff I missed the time before.

    1. It really is an acquired taste. I'd be lying if I said I got through it in the mere hours it typically takes me to read a book that size. But once you get the writing style down it's quite enjoyable.

  14. Thanks for stopping by my FF! Just followed you back on Networked Blogs :)
    And wonderful choice of books, btw. This is one of my favorites as well
    Lana @ DirtyGirlRomance

  15. I totally approve of that choice. I wonder if an anthology that has a bunch of her books in it would have been considered cheating? Thanks for visiting my FF. New bloglovin follower.

    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

    1. Apparently there is. I learned of this as of today through the hop. I totally would have gone that route! haha

  16. Excellent choice, well done! Old follower.

  17. Great choice! One book is just too hard LOL. BUt as long as I can still go to the library I guess ;) Old follower.


    1. One book is hard. and the more I think about it the more books I come up with that I could "live with" ;-)

  18. Pride and Prejudice is quite popular today, and I can understand why :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, I'm following you back via Bloglovin.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  19. PP is still on my reading shelf and I'm stuck to page 52. I don't have the drive to finish it. Classics isn't really for me. *sighs* If I can't summon the energy, then PP would my very first book to be DNFed. Huhuhuh.

    I hope it will make you contented for the rest of your life.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF.

    old follower via bloglovin.

    1. It's definitely not for everyone. I won't hold it against you ;-)

  20. Jane Austen is a great choice! I could read Pride & Prejudice or Persuasion a million times and not get tired of them.

    Thanks for stopping by - new bloglovin follower :)

  21. Jane Austen is a great choice! I could read Pride & Prejudice or Persuasion a million times and not get tired of them.

    Thanks for stopping by - new bloglovin follower :)

    1. *sigh* they're all so great. Especially the swoony to-good-to-be-true men ;-)

  22. Great pick - I've seen this one round a lot lately (amazingly I still haven't read it!!)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF :) returning the follow via Bloglovin'!

    - Allie @ Little Birdie Books

  23. I might have gone with Sense and Sensibility over Pride and Prejudice, but that is probably because I had to read P & P at school whereas S & S I read because I wanted to.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow. New Bloglovin' follower.

    1. They're all so good! I read on someone elses that they chose the anthology edition. Smart choice ;-)

  24. A good choice. Too bad its kind of short. I was looking for epic books, to take more time to read! Thanks for visiting!

  25. Nice choice! Following you back on F and B.


  26. I love Austen. Following you back on Bloglovin' :)

  27. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! Following back on bloglovin :)

    Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams

  28. Well I can't say I have read Pride and Prejudice yet but I am required to read it this year in one of my classes so I will finally be able to be like yay I know what these people who love the book are talking about. Thank you for stopping by. Still following you and I hope you have a great week.

    1. I hope reading it for class doesn't take away from it. There are many books that I hated in school because my teachers always over analyzed them. Once I was out of school and decided to reread them on my own they were much more enjoyable. :-)

  29. Hi there thanks for following. Good choice, although I have not read any books by Jane Austen I own them all and should get to reading them. I've seen a few people choosing Jane Austen books and it makes me want to read one of them. Go classics.

    1. They sat on my shelf for a while too until a friend and I decided to start reading them together. I think that helped the likability at first, because it can be hard to really get into Victorian English initially. Thanks for following.

  30. Oh almost forgot, I'm following through blog lovin :)

  31. I've never read any books by Jane Austen before. I know they are really great but some reasons I feel intimidated. I guess it's time I start reading Jane Austen. Thanks for stopping by and Happy reading.

    Old follower

    1. They can be - are - intimidating. They're an acquired taste, I think. And I also think that to really enjoy them you have to enjoy and understand the time period. Example - Emily Bronte writes more dark Victorian setting and I have yet to make it through her works because it doesn't appeal as much to me.

  32. That seems to be a popular choice.

    Current follower :)
    Julie @ Chapter Break

  33. Thanks for stopping by!

    New follower via Bloglovin' :)

  34. Thanks for the follow! I am following back via bloglovin. I do not usually reread either. This week was a hard one.

    1. Yes it was hard. And everytime I think about it I change my mind about what book I'd pick haha. Thanks for stopping by!

  35. Thanks for the follow! I'm here to follow back via FB. P & P is always a great choice and I love it as well. I have to say though, I have not read any other Austen novels and I've always wanted to. Just another pile of books to add to my ever expanding list. Sigh.

    Happy Reading!
    Brooke @ http://www.pokiedot.blogspot.com/

    1. I know. And FF days don't help in slimming down that TBR list ;-)


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