Guest Review: K. Meador reviews Too Much Information by David Haskell

(Blurb): In a world overshadowed by the impendence of terrorism, with pandemics threatening an equal measure of havoc, Thermo-Magnetic Imaging machines represent a seemingly perfect solution. But as privacy and health concerns grow ever more complex, this cutting edge technology delivers more than anyone had bargained for. While the forces behind the scenes fight to conceal their true agenda, the public struggles to cope with a new paradigm so invasive their innermost secrets are laid bare under its powerful lens.

Rob Folsom is a civil liberties activist, a staunch defender of privacy rights. Rosa Perez, a government agent specializing in surveillance, seems an unlikely candidate for him to represent. As Rob is pulled into her world, a world of high-tech spying, corporate intrigue, and black ops government agencies, he becomes caught in a perilous game of cat and mouse. As the target of interest switches from client to advocate, Rob has to find a way to stop them before they sabotage everything he has worked for...

Book Information:

Genre: A topical, political, technothriller
Length: 337 pages
Version: eBook

Excerpt (Amazon):

Catching the eye of a pretty stewardess, he smiled. She didn't return the gesture, turning instead to pick up the phone on the wall. Contacting the cockpit? He was probably just being paranoid, but even so he averted his eyes and tried to look casual. If it came to that, would this one do just as well? It was reasonably full given the early hour. He reached for his cellphone, then pulled his hand away. Stay calm. Don't jump the gun.
A second flight attendant joined her colleague by the lavatory door. Leaning in towards each other, they looked like they were conferring in hushed tones. The man grew increasingly disconcerted, he didn't like what was going on. He reached again, finger on the cellphone this time. The raised keypad could be operated by touch easily enough, he'd practiced entering the detonation code many times.

A third woman walked up from the rear, his thumping heart leapt clear into his throat when she said, "Excuse me, sir?"
She was addressing the man beside him. What's going on? This was not normal, he was familiar enough with the routine from the trial runs to know that much.

"Yes?" the man asked, sitting up straighter and casting off more cologne stench.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, sir, but we've had a reassignment. Nothing to worry about, just a security protocol. We need to ask you to switch seats."

Looking bemused, the seat-mate gathered up his things and unbuckled himself. This can't be right. They're on to me!

Review: by K. Meador

Underdog takes on the big dogs....
This is a story of an underdog fighting the big dogs in a world where civilians are hit the hardest. Rob, the lawyer, enters into a fight for survival, truth and justice for his client. With many scratches, bumps, bruises and hard earned education along the way, there will be a day in court.
With modern equipment installed, certain companies manipulate the public without their co
nsent, knowledge or giving any reason why they were declined availability to aThe author takes you on a plight to right the wrong that has been done to innocent people who genuinely just want to help others by large companies and the government itself. Lawyers, late night comedy stations, and talk shows all get in on the hot subject of how much is too much information and battling for which side they believe is right.
The author has weaved a tale that is detailed and intricate to the plot. The pace moves at a comfortable rate; the writing is well done. The author did a good job on characterization.  I found that some characters were just be there. In my opinion they didn't really add to the story but added length to the story. I noticed a few out of place point of view shifts and the word “lead” was used instead of “led”. Sometimes, I felt, that the story itself had too much details slowing it down.  


About the Guest Reviewer:

( Born in Jacksonville, Florida and raised in Texas since age four, K-Trina Meador is the youngest of five children. Growing up in Cross Plains, Texas and being raised on a seventy-acre farm gave her an appreciation for country life and the small town community. She currently works full time as an aircraft mechanic/avionics technician. She has two sons who are actively pursuing their busy lives as adults.

She has published four books and currently has one full length novel in work, one anthology of short stories in work and one full length novel on the radar.


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