Blog Talk: Why The Book Cove remains an ad-free site

When it comes to site advertising I have a simple thought - to each their own.

Getting more personal now, I really dislike going to sites where there are constant pop-ups, talking promo videos, and annoying non-stop flashing on side bars. Hence the reason The Book Cove does not have any page advertisements. (I can not understand how certain sites do so well monetarily when the sites have irrelevant pop-ups covering the screen and cluttered advertising...but I digress. That's a personal rant I will not subject anyone to ;-) )

Furthermore, The Book Cove is what would be considered (still) a new site. We are rapidly gaining exposure to booksters around the world, however, we are not the million-traffic-hitter that other more prominent sites are (a reason why $$ advertisements are useless to us). And that's okay! This site was not started with the intention to generate an income. Again, to each their own. In fact, I admire those who are able to make their blog(s) profitable! That takes a lot more network savy-ness then what I have, or will ever care to venture into. It's just not my thing.

Simply put, we want to keep it as  maintenance-free as possible, which is why we refuse any advertising requests outside of blog posts and social media promotions.

I put this post out there not to so much generate discussion about blog ads, but to let those interested in contacting us about site advertising know that our answer will be "No."

Who knows, maybe we'll decide one day that we want to venture more into the marketing aspect. I know better than to ever completely rule something out. And as always, if anyone would like to share their thoughts on this subject, I'm more than happy to chat about it in the comment section! I'd love to hear some stories on what made for-profit blogs decide to go that way. Was it always in your initial plan or did one day you decide that it would be a great decision?


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