Feature and Follow #15 (Guilty Pleasures)

What is Feature and Follow?

F&F is a weekly blog hop that consists of book bloggers. It is hosted byAlison Can Read and Parajunkee. The rules of involvement are simple:
1.) Link up on the blog hop Linky gadget below this post, 2.) follow the hosts via their network of choice, 3.) follow the weekly featured blog(s) via their network of choice (listed as "featured" in the blog list below), and lastly, 4) check out the rest of the blogs on the hop! If you become a new follower of a blog, let them know and they will follow you back.

The F&F is a great way to network, meet other book bloggers, and gain new followers. Even more so, it's a great way to drive fun discussion on a weekly topic.

This week, the topic is:

What are your non-book guilty pleasures? Like TV shows, food, websites, hobbies, etc. (The FF topic was changed to "A favorite author that you've met" but since I haven't met any I'm sticking with the first topic)

Oh man, where do I even begin?! I'll try to cover a little bit of everything just to make it interesting ;-)

TV show: Teen Wolf. For those that know me they would NEVER expect this haha

Food: Cheerios mixed in melted chocolate and peanut butter. Pretty much like puppy chow.

Websites: I live on BuzzFeed and Epic Fail at night. I fall asleep scrolling through ridiculous posts. Don't judge me...

Hobbies: Air piano and air guitar. I'm a total rockstar when no one is around.

Music: I've recently discovered that 1 Direction has a couple of damn catchy songs. For a 25 year old who has sworn off boy bands for most of her life, this is hard to admit. 

Movie: I'm still a huge sucker for Titanic. I don't care how cheesy it is, I love that movie!

Man Crush: Henry Cavill. No words can describe this perfect specimen and I refuse to be guilty about this one ;-) 

Girl Crush: Jenna Marbles. She is my other half! Another guilt free pleasure


  1. Hi, very nice to meet your following you on bloglovin
    You can find me @ http://www.ashes86blog.wordpress.com

  2. Cool pleasures.. I too love Titanic and I live on CSI, Law & Order, Criminal Minds and pleanty more on TV to which I am glued all day! :)

    New Bloglovin follower..

    -Njkinny @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  3. I love Titanic also! ;) Although, I just watched that recently (yes, i suck) Happy Friday!

    New follower via Bloglovin
    Fathomless Reveries

  4. I love Titanic! I've seen it so many times! Jenna Marbles is awesome!

    New bloglovin, goodreads, & facebook follower!

    My FF

  5. Hahahaha!! I listen to 1D too . . . but SSSSHHHHH don't tell anyone!!!
    Old Bloglovin' follower.
    Kirsty @ All in One Place

  6. I am loving all the One Direction secret love! I kind of have a thing for them too - don't tell anyone. New bloglovin follower here!

  7. Those are some great guilty pleasures! I'm a new follower on Bloglovin' and an old follower on G+
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog


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