The Book Cove's 1 Year Blogiversary! (Day 1: 5 blogging facts)

Our 1 Year Blogiversary is quickly approaching! How time flies! To celebrate, we are having a 10 day series of special blogiversary and blog appreciation posts! (Enough exclamation points?)

Enjoy these random blog facts/stats I've come across that make me feel pretty dang good about this blog :) I've started many previous blogs before but they've never lasted more than a few months...until now!

What are your thoughts on these? Do they fit your blogging history?

Day 1: General Blog Facts and Stats

  1. There are 4 types of blogs: hobbyist, professional, corporate, and entrepreneur (Technorati) This definitely falls under hobby
  2. Average lifespan of a blog is hard to figure out, but SocialDialect personally figured it out based on the blogs that they followed and found 11% went silent or dead over the course of a year! Blogging can take a lot of time, even when you're just writing "one small post". They're fun to think about but sometimes the fun gets sucked out of it if you're not careful...
  3.  There are over 152 million blogs! (PR Connection) That's a lot of people sharing ideas!
  4. 2% of blogs make $150K a year! (Jeff Bullas) TBC is definitely not one of those...
  5. 50% of bloggers have more than 1 blog (iFabbo) I've dabbled with other blogs but one is hard enough to keep up on, I can't handle more than that. I know numerous people that have 5+ blogs that they do an AMAZING job keeping up on!
Blogiversary Posting Schedule 
*note that future dates' posts will not have a working link until that day*

Day 1: 5 Blogging Facts (June 1st)
Day 2: The Book Cove's Top Posts(June 2nd)
Day 3: The Book Cove's Top Contributors (June 3rd)
Day 4: The Book Cove's Top Followers (June 4th)
Day 5: A Year of a Blog's Life - how we got where we are (June 5th)
Day 6: 2nd Year Goals (June 6th)
Day 7: Our Favorite Blogs (June 7th)
Day 8: Thoughts of a naive blogger (June 8th)
Day 9:  Most recent book purchases (June 9th)
Day 10: Giveaway! (June 10th)


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