The Book Cove's 1 Year Blogiversary! (Day 7: Favorite Blogs)

Our 1 Year Blogiversary is quickly approaching (June 10th)! How time flies! To celebrate, we are having a 10 day series of special blogiversary and blog appreciation posts! (Enough exclamation points?)

Day 7: Favorite Blogs

There are so many blogs that I frequent that it's hard to not list a 100 of them here! Here's the blogs that I peruse weekly to find my next read:

Ramblings on Reading - you can find any type of review from YA to NA books as well as new movie/TV releases!

A Novel Idea - Chrissy has very similar tastes in books as me so pretty much anything she says she loves I take her word for.

She Reads New Adult - This is a blog that will have your TBR list never ending. I have a serious addiction for NA and there is a never ending daily supply of awesomeness coming from this place.

Above Average Below Special - I love this book review blog because it has very thurough reviews. There's always a what I liked/didn't like and character breakdown section (which is great for those of us that get a little irked with certain types of writing and characters)

Michelle and Leslie's Book Picks - This is one of the first blogs I started religiously following. They review everything from audio books to middle grade to YA/NA and cover many genres. This is where I find my random reads (one's I probably wouldn't have picked up had I not heard someone else talk about it).

Blogiversary Posting Schedule 
*note that future dates' posts will not have a working link until that day*


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