Blog Takeover: Nick Tory

It's really a pleasure to be able to commandeer The Book Cove blog this week.  I can't recall exactly what it was that I wrote in my entry to the competition, but I'm sure it was stunning and inspirational, because I am really due to write something that has those characteristics.
My name is Nick Tory and I'm the author of a recently released pair of books that are part of a new humor series.  The books are Johnny 12 Steps and Johnny Vegas, and they follow the self-centered and dimwitted, but lovable Johnny Tee.  The first book follows Johnny as he tries to turn his life around by following a twelve step program and misinterprets the steps along the way. The books are goofy, oddball, dry, and dark, but not vulgar. In today's blog post, I'm going to put up a sample chapter so you can get the general idea.
To help you out with your expectations, I've reviewed my own work.

"Review: Johnny 12 Steps by Nick Tory
Review by: Nick Tory
This book has satisfactory margins and fonts.  Spell check was clearly used and was at least mostly successful.   It was well bound, but I'm not sure Tory had anything to do with that.  Also I read it on a kindle so I'm just making assumptions about the binding. As for the writing, his descriptions of things are accurate to how things look in real life, at least for the most part.  He has an amazing way of making you feel like you are reading a book that he himself has written.  The experience is one that will top the list of things you've done in your life, especially if you've spent moderate to significant time in a coma. Tell a friend!"

Please enjoy the sample chapter which appears somewhere a little bit into the book (which is only 75 pages).  I could give you a setup but I won't.
For the remainder of the week, I will refrain from shoving these books down your throat by providing you with senseless commentary on the world.  I'm happy to be here!

Excerpt from Johnny 12 Steps
I woke up the next day on somebody else’s
lawn again. Only this time they didn’t invite me
to do chores in exchange for lamb chops, but
instead threatened to call the police and then
eventually shot at me twice when I dozed off
I spent the next hour thinking about what
Red had said to me. Big Milo had enemies who
were anxious to take him out, and that could be
an opportunity for me. Unfortunately I had no
clue where to start.
My first move was to ask the local hobos. It
turned out to be a dead end, as they either
started to hand me change from their cups or
pointed me to the nearest lake and slid me a half
a bar of soap. Even though it got me nowhere I
was pleased with their kindness. It was good to
see that the neighborhood was turning around.
Next I turned to the street walkers, who
were trying to double and triple their prices
before I could reassure them that I was only
looking for information. A few of them knew Big
Milo, but only had the kind of information about
him I hoped would never, ever be useful.
I was about to give up and find a fresh lawn
to rest my head when I heard a voice from down
an alley.
“You the one askin’ around about Big Milo?”
said the voice.
“That’s right,” I responded.
“Well quit askin’, if you know what’s good for
ya’,” said the voice.
“I think it’s pretty clear that I don’t,” I said.
“Let’s see that hand there, pal,” demanded
the voice.
I held up my hand with the missing finger.
Out of the shadows stepped a beat down man
with a massive beard, bloodshot eyes and a
raincoat that had once been bright yellow but
was faded and worn. He held up his hands to
reveal two fingerless bulbs.
“NO!” I screamed.
“Yes. That’s right. That’s not all either. Now
you need to see my feet,” he insisted.
“No, that’s not necessary,” I said.
“It is,” he said.
We spent the next five minutes arguing and
negotiating. Eventually I agreed to look at one of
his feet, but when he revealed it I closed my eyes
without him knowing and just yelled “NO!” for
his benefit.
“What did you do to Big Milo anyway?” I
“I was in love with his daughter,” he said. “It
was an incredible love. It was a secret love
though. He would not permit his daughter to be
with a common man like me. I knew what the
consequences might be if he found out about us,
but I took my chances. It was love like you’ve
never known. Eventually he found out.”
As he said this last part he held up his hands
very close to my face. I swatted them away and
he put them back. I thought about asking him to
stop but he seemed pretty down on his luck
lately. He told me about how he had still loved
Big Milo’s daughter, but knew she would never
love him with his hideous deformity. He also
knew that if Big Milo ever saw his face again that
he would kill him, so he took to hiding in
“Please tell me you’re not doing whatever
you’re doing for a woman,” he said.
“That’s exactly why I’m doing it,” I said.
“Love is a wretched, horrible thing, pal. That
is the one thing I know. You need some evidence?
Look right here.”
Again he held his hands an inch from my
face. It was really starting to get annoying.
“I just need to know who his enemies are,” I
“Enemies,” he laughed, “he’s got a million
enemies pal.”
“His most powerful one,” I clarified.
“Then it’s Tito Garrett you’re looking for,”
he said. “If there’s one gangster who’d like to see
Big Milo wiped off the face of the Earth, it’s
Having gotten the information I needed, I
got out of there pretty quickly. He tried to chase
after me, saying something about passing along
some information to his one true love should I
come across her, it was the only wish of a lost
man, would I please slow down because it was
hard to run with no toes, and some other stuff,
but I was pretty far away at that point.
It was clear that if I was going to avoid
ending up like the man in the raincoat, that I was
going to have to purify myself. At least that’s
what the next of the twelve steps thought I
should do, and they had me going in the right
direction so far. I looked down at the new list I
had gotten from Skinny.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these
defects of character.
I took up one of the hobos on the bar of
soap and headed down to the water. I was ready,
like the step said, but I didn’t have time to wait
for God. I scrubbed those defects away. I
scrubbed away the layers of lie and deceit and
began to reveal the new man that was
underneath. I scrubbed and scrubbed, and when
I was done and was told, “this is a fountain you
moron, a private fountain inside of an office
building, and not only that but it’s a drinking
fountain, a small third floor drinking fountain, so
how in the hell did you just bathe in it?” I was
ready to face the obstacles in front of me.
“Where in this city can I find the famous
gangster Tito Garrett?” I asked the man in the
suit closest to me.
“Tito Garrett?” he said looking confused.

“50th floor. He’s the CEO.”

Available on Amazon


  1. I like your style! Most importantly, I like that spellcheck was clearly used (a severely underrated thing it seems these days) I look forward to reading more by you this week!


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