Romance Author Liz Flaherty: Writing and the Art of the Quilt

Back to McGuffey's
Author Liz Flaherty:
I grew up loving quilts. I have ones that were made by my great grandmother, my grandmother, and my Aunt Nellie. They’re old and beautiful, with tiny stitches and scraps of memories scattered over them like the leaves that are rustling through my yard these days. While I treasure the quilts and the memories, making quilts wasn’t something I ever truly thought I’d do. For one simple reason.
They are art.

I am a writer. I’ve had nine books published and am still at it. There is little that I love more than writing, but it’s a craft to me, not an art. Some writers are artists, and I writhe with envy when I read their books, but I am not. This is okay with me. I just write.

But then I had grandchildren—they are seven of the things I love more than writing. When I got ready to retire, I was afraid—for one wild, crazy instant—that I would be bored, so I thought why not go ahead and make a quilt for each grandchild? Not fancy like the old ones I have that would require anything artistic of me, but simpler patterns. After all, I liked to sew. How hard could it be?
It could be hard. And it was. Especially since I haven’t had a single minute of boredom since I retired—there hasn’t been time. Five of those nine books have been published in the three and a half years since retirement, six of the seven quilts are made, and I’ve never had so much fun in my entire life.
Quilts tend to consume the person who’s making them. I started out with a 6-inch by 24-inch ruler, a rotary cutter, a cutting mat, and enough fabric for the quilt I was making. I now have many rulers, many cutters, a mat that completely covers my cutting table, and enough fabric to cover a small country.
Years ago, I wrote a book called The Debutante’s Second Chance, a Silhouette Special Edition. In it, the heroine made a quilt. It was incidental. When I wrote A Soft Place to Fall, the heroine opened a quilt shop, and it wasn’t incidental at all. In my newest book, Back to McGuffey’s, Kate is a lover of quilts. In my work-in-progress, Arlie has a quilt room many of us would cheerfully die for. Quilting and writing have over time become inextricably intertwined.
I’m working on Number Seven on my grandkids’ quilts. It’s still a craft to me; I can’t do anything without a pattern and need help choosing fabric every single time. Likewise, I’m working on my Number Ten book and I’m still a craftsman, not an artist. And it’s still okay with me.

What I love, and what maybe is a little artistic, is what is alike in books and quilts. They both have stories to tell, they’ll both be around for children and grandchildren, they both contain beloved memories within their construction. Not big memories, perhaps, like wedding days or births or even bittersweet goodbyes, but ones that lie gentle in the pockets behind their owners’ hearts. When the quilts are used or the books read, the memories slip out and create magic.

And there it is. Whether writers and/or sewists artists or craftsmen, we have the opportunity to create magic. Aren’t we the lucky ones?

Thanks for having me here today. I’ve enjoyed it. I hope you find the magic.

Back to McGuffey's

The one that got away...
Could Kate Rafael’s day get any worse? First she lost her job, then her house burned down and now her ex is back in town. Apparently, Ben McGuffey's taking a break from being a big-city doctor to help at his family’s tavern and reassess the choices he's made for his career.

Ben ends up giving Kate a hand...then giving her kisses...and finally, a second chance. But when a local teenager shows them both a glimpse of what it means to be a family, Ben wonders if having kids in small-town Vermont would clash with his ambitions. Or can he truly come home again…to Kate?

Liz retired from the post office and promised to spend at least fifteen minutes a day on housework. Not wanting to overdo things, she’s since pared that down to ten. She spends non-writing time sewing, quilting, and doing whatever else she wants to. She and Duane, her husband of…oh, quite a while, are the parents of three and grandparents of the Magnificent Seven. They live in the old farmhouse in Indiana they moved to in 1977. They’ve talked about moving, but really…37 years’ worth of stuff? It’s not happening! She’d love to hear from you at
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L. A. Kelley writes fantasies with adventure, romance, humor and touch of sass. You can find her at


  1. Your book sounds delightful, Liz.I have quilts from my grandmother and great-grandmother, too, and they are dear to my heart. But as much as I enjoyed watching them quilt and cherishing the ones they gave me--I haven't the patience or talent to quilt anything on my own! Lovely post.

    1. I only do the sewing machine part--if I had to do anything other than binding by hand, all bets would be off. :-)

  2. I don't understand these people who say they'd be bored if they retired. I've never been so busy in my life. I also write and craft to sprinkle memories through my family and friends. I can finally do all the things I've always wished I had time for.

    1. Me, too, and it is so much fun! But, I loved my job, too, and worried about missing it. I also did worry about being able to fill that 10 hours a day I spent at work and on the road. What an idiot I was! :-)

  3. I've always envied people who could be creative in more than one area. Years ago I went to an art exhibit of Joni Mitchell's art work. Who knew she was such a talented artist, in addition to being a fantastic singer/songwriter. And now Liz, you're in the same category. Multi-talented and multi-creative! Congrats!

    1. Thank you, Jana. I never feel particularly talented in either area--I just have a good time with both. Which, for me at least, is even better.

  4. Hi Liz, you should consider rag quilting. I made one "real" quilt about 20 years ago. So much work, all those tiny stitches, and I gave it up for other crafts I loved. Then I learned to rag quilt...flannel squares, done on a machine, no tiny stitches...albeit lots of tiny scissors cuts. And now I'm making them for many of my friends as they all seem to be turning 50 around the same time. My heart is still in every one of them, but less time is required.

    1. A friend of mine does those! I think I need to add that to my list. :-)

  5. Liz, you make me want to quilt. And I never considered it before! Great post. I enjoyed it. Good luck with your latest book.

  6. I loved how you interlinked the craft of writing with quilt making, really an interesting way to look at two very different pursuits. I know you've been writing for quite some time now, and I feel I've met you before. I used to go to lots of conferences in the 90's and early 2000's. Maybe we met then?
    Hebby Roman

    1. Thanks, Hebby. I love both those things so much.

      I've only been to a few, mostly in Chicago, one in Cincinnati, and a few in Indy. Maybe Chicago?


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