Blog Talk: Twitter mass unfollow - the greatest and easiest thing you may not know about

Following a lot of people on twitter can be great for the variety of new information that is pushed to you. But there hits a point when you realize that you don't care about what a majority of them have to say because:

- too many reposts
- irrelevant posts
- change of user (a company/person changes names/interests and you no longer are interested)
- hacked accounts (that people haven't regained control of)
- false advertising (saying they promote one thing and then you follow them and they start promoting everything under the sun)

The list goes on...

I recently decided to clear out my twitter account and start over with who I was following. I was following roughly 600 people and I certainly didn't want to hit unfollow on every one of them.

I Googled "mass unfollow" and found many apps for unfollowing, but many had a 50 people/day limit and I wanted to get it done now...not 10 days from now. So a little more scrolling pointed me to the direction of a Google Chrome extension.

It's simple.

2. Go to your twitter follower page
3. Click the new "Mass Unfollower" button that has magically appeared
4. Watch the beauty before you unfold

No cost. No limit. No strings attached. Beautiful.

So if you're finding yourself a little fed up with your feed and want to start over, here you go. I will be more selective about following in the future. Sorry authors - but authors were the main reason my PM box was exploding with spam, redirect links, and other ridiculous things, and my mentions were tagged with spam posts (The spam posts being those annoying auto posts that happen when you follow/unfollow someone and then they just continue to repost with your handle). That's not to say I won't follow any, but I can't read/respond/retweet 800 people's tweets and so it only makes sense to follow a more reasonable number. I've decided to top out at about 100 - and it will be a trial-error sort of deal where if a lot of irrelevant information is being posted then I'll just unfollow and follow someone else. It's a dog eat dog world out there...

...Watches my follower number steadily decrease as people read this...

On that note, if you'd like me to retweet something, simply tweet @bookcovereviews and I'll try to get to it but I'm not on there 24/7.

NOTE that this unfollows EVERYONE. There might be a way to selectively unfollow a bunch at a time but I wasn't interested in that so I didn't bother checking.


  1. I try to be more selective with who to follow on Twitter cause I don't want spam but thanks for the tip! If I ever feel overwhelmed, I'll use this :)

    1. I thought I was being selective, but my selective choices built up over time haha

  2. This is a great post! Very informative. Thank you so much for sharing it.


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