Feature and Follow #17 (Create a playlist)

What is Feature and Follow?

F&F is a weekly blog hop that consists of book bloggers. It is hosted byAlison Can Read and Parajunkee. The rules of involvement are simple:
1.) Link up on the blog hop Linky gadget below this post, 2.) follow the hosts via their network of choice, 3.) follow the weekly featured blog(s) via their network of choice (listed as "featured" in the blog list below), and lastly, 4) check out the rest of the blogs on the hop! If you become a new follower of a blog, let them know and they will follow you back.

The F&F is a great way to network, meet other book bloggers, and gain new followers. Even more so, it's a great way to drive fun discussion on a weekly topic.

This week, the topic is:

Create a playlist for a book - or a single song if you don't want to do an entire playlist - Suggested by This Girl Reads A Lot and Bubbly and Bookish 

Jessi: Playlist for one of my favorite series Damaged by H.M. Ward. My reviews for books 1 and 2 are posted, respectively.

  1. End of the Earth by Lord Huron
  2. Wait by M83
  3. Division by Aly and AJ
  4. Kiss with a Fist by Florence + The Machine
  5. Lips Are Moving by Meghan Trainon
  6. Wicked Games by The Weeknd
  7. Do I Wanna Know by The Arctic Monkeys
  8. Say Something by A Great Big World
  9. Love Runs Out by One Republic
  10. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran


  1. Hopping through. I'm not familiar with the book but you have a great taste in music! I love Lord Huron. Not many people have heard of it. I like a lot of those other groups too.
    My FF

    1. I like to think I have pretty awesome taste ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I have yet to read the series, but I like your music selection. I absolutely love One Republic and Florence + The Machine :) New Bloglovin' Follower (:

    My FF

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  3. So... I haven't heard of any of these songs... But I do love the Damaged series! Well, what I've read of it so far. Old follower :)

    Here's my F&F!


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