Feature and Follow #18 (We're the featured blog!)

The Book Cove is this week's featured blog! Thanks to everyone for stopping by and make sure to check out the other feature, http://musingsonfantasia.blogspot.com/

What is Feature and Follow?

F&F is a weekly blog hop that consists of book bloggers. It is hosted byAlison Can Read and Parajunkee. The rules of involvement are simple:
1.) Link up on the blog hop Linky gadget below this post, 2.) follow the hosts via their network of choice, 3.) follow the weekly featured blog(s) via their network of choice (listed as "featured" in the blog list below), and lastly, 4) check out the rest of the blogs on the hop! If you become a new follower of a blog, let them know and they will follow you back.

The F&F is a great way to network, meet other book bloggers, and gain new followers. Even more so, it's a great way to drive fun discussion on a weekly topic.

Interview with The Book Cove:

When did you start blogging? June 2013. There were many attempts at blogging before that but nothing that stuck around for too long.
What is your favorite part of book blogging? Finding new genres. I'll admit, I started off a bit of a genre snob because I'd had some bad reading experiences beforehand. Blogging and reading other blogs introduced me to many great works in various genres and I'm very happy about that!
What type of books do you mainly blog about? I read new adult contemporary romance a lot, but I have waves of interest where I read a lot of YA paranormal and regency era romance.
What is your favorite book(s)? I love the Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead, the Gardella Chronicles by Colleen Gleason, A Different Blue by Amy Harmon, and just about everything by Rachel Van Dyken and Abbi Glines.
What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging? Besides meeting people and authors, I'd say it has helped me to become a better writer. When you write something for the world to see, no matter how big or small, there's usually a flaw that someone can (kindly) point out. It also makes me more self-conscious about my writing so I make sure to re-read and use grammar sites as much as possible haha.

~ Jessi ~

This week, the topic is:

Create an ad listing all the qualities and qualifications of your perfect co-blogger. - Suggested by Girl of 1000 Wonders

Since I already have the best co-blogger I can write the perfect ad listing pretty easily.

If your name is L.A. Kelley, please contact The Book Cove. Now.
The perfect co-blogger is creative, well written, and humerus. When you put those qualities together, then just about any post can be enjoyed by everyone- which is what I think every blog strives for.

Go check out some of L.A.'s books on her site http://lakelleythenaughtylist.blogspot.com/! You won't be disappointed.



  1. Congrats on being featured! :) Creativity is essential when it comes to blogging; I'm still learning how to hone that side of the blogging world :P

    New follower through Bloglovin

    Sparrow’s Feature & Follow

  2. Congratulations on the feature! I'm an old follower.

  3. Congratulations on being the featured blogger!
    New follower :)

    Here's my Follow Friday

  4. Congrats on being featured!! Oh your co-blogger's an author! So neat~ I'm a new follower on Bloglovin :D

    Here's my F&F

    Jessi’s blogging in the best
    Shining over all the rest
    Her posts will raise your IQ score.
    And always leave you wanting more.

  6. Thanks for the follows from all of you lovely people! I'm finally making my rounds to blogs today :-)

  7. I love a good sense of humor, always have :)

  8. Great answer for this Feature and Follow.
    Really...it's not that difficult if you think about it. Those qualities are the best for a co-blogger.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog.


  9. Creativity is important qualification too,thank you for visiting my blog.I follow you via Bloglovin'.

  10. Great answer! Good sense of humor is a good quality!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
    New Follower via Bloglovin + Twitter

  11. Great add! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am an old follower.
    Brittany @ Spare Time book blog

  12. Humor is really important. Thanks for stopping by, and sorry for the late reply :)


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