News at The Book Cove: We have reached another milestone! Thank you all!

I'm not sure what was so different about this month compared with others, but our visitor number suddenly blew through the roof -- doubling our previous best! With that has come a lot of great comments and discussions all over social media and the blog.

I've posted a bit more than I have in the last few months, yet I haven't posted as frequently as I have in the past when some of the previous best visitor numbers popped up.

The content hasn't really changed. But I am doing more Blog and Book Talk posts rather than reviews. The only reason that has changed is because my work schedule is too crazy to read much right now. That also means I haven't really been on social media or book communities much.

A huge shout out to my co-blogger L.A. Kelly and all of the guest bloggers we've had. Your content has brought in some beautiful new faces (and avatars...and blogger icons...) and that must be how the word has spread. (If you're not familiar with some of our guest posters, check them out here. They have great work!)

So I'm not sure what exactly caused this response, but I wanted to thank all of our old and new followers because this is pretty awesome! You've really made my day/month/year a great one, and this is a pretty cool note to enter 2015 on!


  1. Happy to be a contributing Blogger last week, tomorrow and the next two Mondays after that. I take full credit for your increasing numbers, of course.

    Thanks for the opportunity, really, Jessi! Congratulations and best to you all at Book Cove Reviews!


    1. Well it did start once you showed up so how much of a coincidence could that be? Thank you for the great posts you've prepared!


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