Blog Talk: Happy New Year! Do I have blogger resolutions? Nah!

It's 2015! Crazy to think that 2014 is over, but here we are with another year ahead of us. The beginning of the new year is always filled with promises of personal and professional development. From blogger resolutions, to reader resolutions, to job resolutions -- it's like a never ending barrage of what people wish to change and improve upon.
I personally dislike new year resolutions. It's like qualifying "change" or "progress" or "mindset" as a once a year thing. I like to go into a new year viewing it as a blank slate in some aspects, yes, but I don't think of January as a month for me to turn around parts of my life just because. It can provide me with some motivation to decide to do something a little different, but rarely is the idea of a new year alone enough to provoke life altering changes in my life. If I were to think like that, it would be too easy for me to lose track of specific goals when obstacles pop up, and possibly lose sight and satisfaction of the goals that I did achieve.

So 2015 will instead be a continuation for me. I'm not vowing to read more, review more, network more, blog more, or whatever. I'm just going to keep on keeping on with what I'm doing, and if I feel like changing something -- be it January or December -- then I will.

Happy New Year to all of The Book Cove's followers! I can't wait to see what this next year has in store!


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