Book Talk: I'm in a mid-series reading slump

Just before Christmas I started reading the Lux Series by Jennifer Armentrout. I cruised through the first two books and fell in love with the characters, plot, writing style, everything. I immediately bought book 3, Opal, and started reading that the day I finished Onyx. Here I am about a month later and I'm still only 20% through Opal...

It's not that it's not as interesting, or well written, or swoon worthy as the others. I just don't feel like reading it. At first I thought it was because I cruised through so many books in a short period of time that I wore myself out. But I'm still reading a lot and enjoying other books. I'm just choosing books that are a little less complex and are stand alones. Maybe I wore myself out in the paranormal/sci-fi genre.

Or maybe I wore myself out with the characters.

Does anyone else experience this about midway through a series? The first book is great because it introduces everything and the second builds on relationships and builds the big scheme. Then usually the third or fourth book is putting in all of the plot twists and sometimes your just over it. You're ready for certain parts to be solved already and different plots to be revealed. I think that's where I'm at. I love the story, but in my mind it has turned monotonous -- even though it's not! It's action packed and full of new!

Hopefully a little break helps. And hopefully I haven't tainted any of my feelings for the series.

How about you? Does your enjoyment of a series ebb and flow sometimes, regardless of how good the book actually is?


  1. I think that is why I don't read series books back to back no matter how much I love them. To much of the same thing can be a bad thing..I like to spread them out and put a couple of books in between so I don't find myself getting bored....that by no means means I like waiting over a year to get the next in a

    1. Yeah, I won't deny it. I'm glutinous when it comes to series and I hate making myself regret it...


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