Book Talk: Book Faults that Drive me Bug Nuts. Trust Me, it's a Short Hop

On Monday, Jessi did a great post on things in books that drive her nuts. I agree with everything she said and here are some of my own... Illogical situations When you get down to the nitty gritty all fiction is just making crap up. Whether the author is writing realistically or not, the world is still fake. That’s okay as long as the fake world is believable and functions in a logical manner. Harry Potter’s world is fake. So is the world of Shakespeare’s King Richard, although he is based on a historical character. The actions in both are understandable within the context of human nature. The reader understands why Harry went right and Richard so horribly wrong. The biggest offenders are the latest glut of dystopian novels. The authors have no understanding of basic human psychology or motivation. Characters act irrationally. The worlds they inhabit make no damn sense ; politically, psychologically, economically or otherwise . Settings are idiotic as well as impractical ...