News at The Book Cove: Updates and bloggers wanted!

General Updates:

How is it April already?! Not that I'm not excited for warmer weather, longer days, and spring activities to start up, but it's crazy how the last six months flew by me. It didn't really register until I saw my Blogiversary countdown at the bottom of my page and said to my dog, Holy crap, what am I going to do for that!? To which he responded, head tilt, groan. I hear ya buddy. I'm having the same thoughts...

The big 2 doesn't seem as exciting as the big 1. Though every year a blog stays alive is a huge achievement. There's a lot of work that goes into running even the simplest of blogs. I don't think I'm going to go all out this year. I had a lot of guest posts, giveaways, and random activities going on last year for a whole week. I think we'll just stick with some awesome giveaways this year because who doesn't like free stuff?? And I love showing appreciation to followers!

Speaking of followers/bloggers, some might have wondered where I've been (aka, their comment boards are missing my random commentary ;-)) Once again life got the best of me. Between a job and school it has been especially hard to find just an hour or so to get on here and catch up with people. Because we all know it's never "just an hour". I also went through a bit of a burnout phase. Not so much with the blog, but the blog was put on the back burner as I got everything else back on track. I have kept up on weekly scheduled posts because I got those all scheduled in December. Which was quite an achievement for 3 months! The funny thing is that I still have close to 30 posts I can schedule in, but I haven't. So that's what I'm doing today.

In other news...

Co-blogger(s) wanted:

I'm always looking for others who would like to write for The Book Cove more permanently than a typical "guest blogger" position. The biggest reason being I love to have other ideas and writing styles on here. It's a pretty laid back blog with all sorts of styles presented. Co-blogging is minimum 1 post per week and has the choice to pick up some of these extra tasks:

  • blog tour management
  • book reviews
  • author interviews and guest post management
  • social media management
  • Google + community management
Email with some information about yourself, why you're interested, and if you have any blogging or writing experience (not required, but basic writing skills are a must).


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