A penny for your thoughts #21 (quote by Abigail Biddinger)

Words touch us all in different ways. Sometimes the original intent of a quote resonates so profoundly with us that it is hard to believe that another wrote it. Other times it is a single word, peculiar phrasing, or an alternative meaning regarding an event in our lives that resonates the most. I believe in the power of starting the the week off with a positive or provoking thought -- and so was created A Penny For Your Thoughts. This is a weekly blog hop that will feature quotes of all kinds; classics, character, book-movie, personal, etc. The themes will range from funny to serious, but really it all depends on how you interpret it! How does this work?

  1. Every Sunday a quote will be posted
  2. Enter the giveaway by posting your thoughts on a post of your own or the comment section below
  3. Collect the pennies! Every week there will be a penny to collect and include with your post, if you choose.
  4. RAFFLE ENTRY: Your site or comment needs to be submitted to this form as well so that your name can be uploaded to a raffle generator.
  5. On the last Saturday of every month the entries from the form above will be entered in a drawing. Winner will be notified on Sunday. You get as many entries as you have pennies for the month. Prizes will include books, gift cards, site promotion, and other bookish winnings!
  6. Have fun! This is a fun way to start some discussion, discover blogs, and get to know more people. Please re-post these steps so that followers understand the process.

You can devise all the plans in the world, but if you don't welcome
spontaneity, you will just disappoint yourself.
- Abigail Biddinger
Featured by The Book Cove

My thoughts...

In a world of go, go, go I think much of our happiness can be sucked from us by not 1. stopping to smell the roses and 2. not letting go of the reins for a few minutes to just go where life leads you.

I'll admit, I'm not the most spontaneous person. But I try not to plan out every hour of every day. I like to leave an hour or so open in the evenings and at least one weekend day open for whatever may come up. Though, thinking about that, is planning for spontaneity really spontaneous? Hmm... Though I wouldn't say I'm unhappy with my life not being exciting enough. So perhaps there are different types of spontaneity for different types of people. 

Collect the penny and share your thoughts! (worth 1 entry)


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