Blog Talk: How much anonymity do you keep as a blogger?

When I first tried my hand at blogging a few years ago, I was careful not to reveal a single detail about myself. The blog was just a rambling of whatever and I wanted my thoughts out there but I didn't want them to be associated with me. When I moved on to this site I started out in the same way, but I had a different reasoning behind remaining anonymous. Posting reviews for the world to see can be fun, but the world is full of unstable people and you never know what nerve your reviews will hit. I've read horror stories about authors and fans tracking down every life detail of a blogger because they disagreed with an opinion. I certainly did not want that. I've experienced some online backlash but luckily it was nothing that got carried away and broadcast to the world.

I didn't last very long with a pen name though. Maybe a couple of months.

This site is a lot more open and interactive than previous ones. I receive many emails and comments every day and there was something about writing a sincere reply while using a different name that I didn't like. Even though the person on the other end had no clue if I was a 16 year old girl or an 80 year old man, I felt like the personal connection was lost. I'm a mingler. While I'm not an extreme extrovert, drop me in a room full of people and I can usually make conversation with just about everyone if I had to. When I would use a different name I kind of felt like it was a Tuesday night at the local dive bar and I was handing a fake number on a napkin (...not that I've ever done that...).

I later evolved my anonymity stance into more of a professional courtesy point of view. If I had authors or marketers contact me then I'd reply with my personal information because 1. it was a hard habit to break 2. I usually only use my first name so who really knows what is real and what is not?

It wasn't long before I took that second point and made it a permanent way of thinking. It just made sense. Why try to hide something that doesn't really matter? I think my biggest hesitation was just owning up to the stuff I was writing or wanting real life friends to stumble upon this place of mine.

That is the only information that is available about me though -- my name. My co-bloggers, guest reviewers, and guest posters know a more about me but I've limited it to that select group. I do have a professional career and I try to keep those worlds as separate as possible for obvious reasons. One may think, what's the worse that could happen? Well, I'm not sure. But I read awful stories all the time about how the most random online event completely took over someone's life and I absolutely do not want that to happen. Who knows, maybe I'll change my mind about it in the future. I have contemplated it just because I'd like to connect with readers on a different interest level than just books.

So what about you? Are you completely anonymous online or do you let some information out? Or are you one of those brave souls who bares all to the world?


  1. Hi, Jessi,

    I am in the in between area. I don't "bare all," but I do allow readers/followers to know more than my name. I am an author who hosts a blog and on-air, LIVE talk show (*CHANGES* conversations between authors) which feature info about and my own self frequently, and that's fine with me.
    But, I don't use my blog as a personal journal nor do I like it when others do that. Just saying'....

    Best to you!


    1. I agree with the personal journal. If it's a blog that has nothing to do with personal life, then it shouldn't read like a random diary entry from left field. I think if I was in a position to do more face-to-face like you do with CHANGES, then I would obviously be a little more open about myself. But as of now I have no reason not to hide behind a computer and remain a little mysterious ;-)

  2. Completely, id people knew who I am I'd have to kill them.

    1. Hah! I don't think anyone really knows that I have this blog. I mentioned it to people in passing way back when I first started but they never asked questions and I'm pretty sure it never registered with them, or they didn't think it was as read as it is.


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