Book Talk: How often do you update Goodreads?

I've never done a good job keeping up my Goodreads account. Even when I was a new blogger, fresh out of the gate, full of excitement, and a special twinkle in my eye. I just don't like the site that much -- which is weird because it's really the only big book community that has a ton of discussions and events to be a part of. I think people get to whiny on there and it's a turnoff. I post on Amazon as well, and while that has its fair share of trolls and henchmen that come after reviewers, Goodreads seems to be the breeding ground. I followed (author) from (site) and I think you (blah) about this book. 

The other thing that drives me nuts about Goodreads is if an author is expecting a review from you, they sometimes use that as a tracking system. You're only 20% through a book I gave you a month ago??

Gah. I won't get into that whole ordeal.

Anyways, back to the point. I find myself updating Goodreads about every 4-6 months. I just go back through my blog and repost the full reviews and list the read date as either the date I'm posting to Goodreads (because it's easier than selecting a date and I get lazy) or as the date posted to my blog.

I recently logged on for the first time in about 6 months and found hundreds of inbox messages, notifications from groups, and friend requests. It's a bit overwhelming because I'm one of those people that cannot leave notifications so I go through and delete everything...which in turn makes me not want to return for another 6 months. A viscous cycle.

What about you? Do you keep up on Goodreads? Do you feel obligated to keep up because of author expectations? Am I the laziest book blogger? (Hah, but seriously...)


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