Blog Talk: Checking off year 2! What will year 3 bring?

Woot! We just turned two! I'm pretty proud of this blog and having been able to maintain weekly posts even during the busy times in my life. Writing ahead of time and pre-scheduling was a HUGE factor in being able to maintain posts without turning into a ghost blog every other month. And of course there's been L.A. Kelly who has been awesome about providing information on riveting new reads regularly.

When I hit year one, I said my biggest goal for the next year was to expand the audience and write a lot more discussion posts. Check and check! Between Facebook, our Google+ community, and here, the interaction and discussion has been excellent! I love that people are reading and enjoying what we are posting and that is what is driving this blog into a third year. 

Going into year three I don't want to set any extremely lofty goals. My life is even busier now and I'd rather give myself half a chance at reaching a goal rather than doom myself from the start. Blogs always want to expand their audience. That's a given. What I'd like to do on top of that...or I should say what would help to achieve that goal, would be to add another co-blogger(s) or more guest posters. I've somewhat slacked in the guest post department, having not contacted many people because I didn't want my crazy schedule to distract me from getting their posts scheduled and promoted in time.

I might even get adventurous and switch up the design or switch platforms. Who knows... I kind of dread both of those things but they've been in the back of my mind for a while now. 

What I do know is that I will continue to say no to advertisements (you can read my stance on that here). The longer I blog the more I convince myself that marketing in that way is not for me or this blog. I will continue to give indie, self-published authors, major authors, writers, et cetera  a FREE place to promote their work. It's a hard world out there and I enjoy having books for learning and entertainment. I have no need to charge for whatever services I provide and I hope The Book Cove continues to be a helpful resource for those who need it and those who read it.


  1. Congrats. I wish you the best of everything for the future.


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