Book Review: The Librarian Principal by Helena Hunting

(Blurb): Annaliese Harper knows that one tiny mistake can jeopardize a career before it’s even begun. Letting your boss find the extensive collection of porn on your personal laptop is one way. Sleeping with him is another. Liese manages to do both.

As the new librarian at a prestigious small-town private high school, Liese is drawn to her sexy, charismatic principal, Ryder Whitehall—an attraction she refuses to acknowledge given their relationship and her recent liberation from a delusional ex-boyfriend.

Liese is certain Ryder’s flirtation is the product of her sex-deprived imagination—until he discovers her digital porn stash during working hours and demands a private meeting. Behind closed doors, their attraction explodes into a dangerous, passionate affair that not only threatens their jobs and reputations, but most of all, their hearts.

This was an interesting read. On the surface you have a forbidden work affair. As you work your way through the layers you find a tiny bit of kink, some teenage angst, and a nostalgic feeling of  high school make-out sessions behind random doors; though the book takes you way past first and second base, hitting multiple home runs.

Book Information
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age: Adult
Length: 380p
Publisher: Ink and Cupcakes Inc. (December 21, 2014)

What I liked
The initiation of the relationship was funny, mixed with some embarrassment, and then just straight up owning the situation. All of which made it quite hilarious. I don't know who in real life would dare to keep folders -- yes, folders -- of porn on their work computer, but Liese (Annaliese) did. And she got caught. Turns out she likes a little kink and so does Mr. Whitehall. What starts off as a "firm talking to" turns into a game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". And let's be honest, the more we can't have someone like a Mr. Whitehall, the more we want him.

The blurb makes the book come off as more of a kinky, school girl porno than what it really is. The computer situation and forbidden work place set-up put the characters in the right kind of whirlwind plot that has a lot of iffy back and forths, however, the reading stays light and straightforward.

What I didn't like
It sometimes felt like the high school hormones and mentality were rubbing off on Liese and Ryder. They could never think clearly around each other because of raging sex drives, and encounters often resulted in cold shoulders for weeks between. I didn't really believe in the characters and their "reasons", so this came off as more teenage angst than forbidden lover frustration.

Speaking of which, the whole "forbidden love" plot seemed to be more of an inconvenience with several legal loopholes for them rather than an actual, we absolutely cannot be together because we will ruin the rest of our lives. I reread parts and don't recall Liese and Ryder's school actually having a policy. It was all hear-say. Figuring that out pretty early on in the book made the book really drag on.

I also thought that the secondary characters were breezed over. It was made to seem that they played a bigger role in Liese and Ryder's lives than what they actually did. They should have been written in a more prominent role! I really liked them because they made Liese and Ryder have more to their characters than sex crazed coworkers. They added dimension to the story. Unfortunately they never stuck around scenes long enough to make more of a lasting impact.

Overall, I'd recommend this to someone looking for a fun romance. This won't necessarily knock your socks off. Or your briefcase and tie. But it will leave you in fantasy land with Liese and Ryder for a few hours.


  1. Great review! I tried reading this a few years ago and ended up DNF but I loved the premise and the beginning of it!

    1. Thanks Eva. I could see this book as either a like or a DNF. There were some rough parts as I said, and my mood might have been more tolerant at that point in time ;)


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