Feature and Follow #31 (reasons you love a genre)

What is Feature and Follow?

F&F is a weekly blog hop that consists of book bloggers. It is hosted byAlison Can Read and Parajunkee. The rules of involvement are simple:

1.) Link up on the blog hop Linky gadget below this post, 2.) follow the hosts via their network of choice, 3.) follow the weekly featured blog(s) via their network of choice (listed as "featured" in the blog list below), and lastly, 4) check out the rest of the blogs on the hop! If you become a new follower of a blog, let them know and they will follow you back.

The F&F is a great way to network, meet other book bloggers, and gain new followers. Even more so, it's a great way to drive fun discussion on a weekly topic.

This Week's FF: 

10 reasons you love your favorite genre...

To do this, I'd have to pick a favorite genre. My tastes have greatly evolved in the past year and now it's hard to say. So I'll go with my latest love, Fae/Mage Fantasy.

1. If it's well written, there's no such thing as young adult or adult -- which I LOVE. If something is described as young adult, I have a tendency to turn away from it faster than I should. That is unless it's recommended by a friend (usually). What I've found about the fae and magic world is that a lot of the sloppy "young" adult writing is avoided (aka inappropriate maturity and overused tropes)...or maybe I've just been lucky!

2. They almost always come as a series -- It's pretty hard to build a fantasy world and a major plot in one book. So there's always a bonus book! Though my luck usually has me waiting a year for the next installment...

3. Creativity is unlimited -- Add a little magic in the mix and you can get away with taking the story anywhere! No boundries. Just an open imagination and complex character building.

4. Complex characters -- Building off of the last 2 points, the books tend to come in series and involve a lot of world building. Which means all of the characters have layers, including the secondary characters. I've found this especially true when the fae element is added, because not only is there a magic learning curve, but a fae-world learning curve which adds a whole new level of tension and excitement.

5. Odd character pairings are somehow pulled off -- Let's be honest, you put a 100 year old and a 17 year old in a normal "contemporary romance" relationship...and things get a bit weird. You put a 2000 year old fae/mage with a 17 year old and it's somehow sweet and spicy, hitting all of the taste buds.

6. Plots can be majorly twisted without a lead up --  Because magic. It makes anything possible.

7. Just when you thought someone died -- they didn't. Because magic.

8. There's always a ton of action

9. There's usually an element of romance -- without it taking over the story.

10. The names are memorable --  although some can get a little tricky and I'll get more caught up on trying to pronounce them than I should...

Join in on this week's Penny For Your Thoughts... blog discussion!

A Penny For Your Thoughts... hosted by The Book Cove
A hop where you leave a comment or create a blog post about a given quote and
are entered to win a monthly prize.

Other Posts Of Interest:

Remember to check your follow links regularly - by Jessi - November 22nd, 2014
5 easy tips for making your blog more user friendly for blog hops - By Jessi - December 27th, 2013
CAPTCHA challenge presented by The Book Wheel and The Relentless Reader - By Jessi - August 16th, 2013


  1. Niiiice! I totally forgot about the Just when you think someone died!! Every time someone dies in one of my fantasy or paranormal reads, I'm like are they dead? Are we sure? There are times I'm very skeptical and it's not until later, usually at the series end that I cry because I remember back in book 2 or whatever that so and so REALLY DIED!! Oh sob!! LOL!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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