Contemporary Fantasy: Sparkle by Arin Kambitsis

The heart-pounding frights, and thrills, of Stephen King, Peter Straub, and Clive Barker meets the magic of C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Alice Hoffman

It is real…and it wants in.

Peter and Alyssa Huffy have just moved to the beautiful town of Sparkle, Pennsylvania. But Sparkle is a lot more than it appears. It has a history that few would truly understand, and even fewer would believe.

After the Huffys move into their big, new house, the founder of the town, a long-dead British adventurer, starts to visit Peter as he sleeps. Peter soon finds himself being drawn into a bizarre dreamworld that's too real to be his imagination, and too strange to be real. There is a treasure here that, Peter is assured, is as important as is life itself. But there is something dangerous here, as well. A large, ancient figure lurking in the background, that lives in both worlds.

Twelve-year-old Derek Windward is a descendant of the founder of the town, and the sole keeper of Sparkle’s secrets. He is the only one who has faced the evil that is hiding in the darkest parts of the forest, and he is the only one who knows how terrifying the power it wields truly is.

Whether in a dreamworld, or in ours, both Peter and Derek have the same deadly enemy - The Bunyine - a giant, tormented creature born eight-thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden. In some distant corners of the world, it is remembered in folk tales told to scare children. In Sparkle, it is all too real, and it is waiting for its chance to strike. Though what it wants is uncertain, what it would do to get it is unthinkable.

Purchase Sparkle here


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