Update: New look, new forms, and opportunities to review and guest post!

Hello! I decided it was time to switch things up here. One thing led to another and now everything is getting a fresh update. I figured it was a good time to introduce some new features and opportunities on here as well.

First off is the addition of review and promotion submission forms. I've tried implementing forms in the past and only about 10% of people actually use them. I'm not sure why, other than mass email with broken files seems to be the way to go with many people.

There are now 2 forms. One is for submitting a book for review and can be found at this link. The other is for submitting promotional material without review and can be found at this link

Book review submissions are very popular. I received over 700 in the last year. I cannot read 700 books (crazy concept, I know). I highly recommend to anyone submitting a book review request that they also submit a simple promotional request. 95% of the promotional requests submitted will be accepted and published here.

Again, please use the forms rather than emailing everything. There is a place to attach book covers and other material as needed on the forms. These forms have all of the information (and more) that I need to make an informational post and it makes it much easier to post here.

Next on the list, if you love to read and would like to help review books on the site, you can submit your information here and I will send the available book list to you. All books are electronic.

Last but not least, if you are interested in co-blogging or guest blogging, information can be found here.

That is all for now!


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