"Burying Leo" an international women's novel by Helga Gruendler-Schierloh

Ingrid always loved to sing. Auditioning for a summer job after high school shattered her dreams. She fled Germany for Detroit where she married with the hopes of starting a family. When hope crumbled, she attempts to sing again. Will singing bring the life Ingrid always desired, or will her mutilated soul lose her everything?

Press Release

Detroit, Mich., September 2017— Helga Gruendler-Schierloh’s “Burying Leo” explores one woman’s life after a haunting sexual assault. A young Ingrid desired to sing, but being a rape victim left her shattered. Years later, Ingrid finally found her voice and released the ghosts that plagued her.

Gruendler-Schierloh says that “sexual assault is one of the worst things to happen to a female. Besides causing great physical pain, the crime cuts deeply into the very essence of a woman’s being, messes with her psyche, tarnishes her self-image, and mutilates her soul. Any punishment meted out to perpetrators cannot remedy the viciousness of their deed. “In ‘Burying Leo,’ I tried to show how being raped kept influencing the heroine’s mind and actions—until confronting her worst fears allowed her to pursue her life’s dream.”

“I abhor any kind of violence. To me, there are very few legitimate reasons for hurting— physically, mentally, emotionally—any living creature,” says Gruendler-Schierloh when discussing her novel. “Those convictions, particularly as they relate to women and children—are the undercurrent in ‘Burying Leo’ and in some of my other work.”

Currently, Gruendler-Schierloh is working on a new novel that deals with the consequences of child abuse. She is also embarking on a memoir based on her growing up in Germany. “It allows me to delve into something lighter, more uplifting and amusing, as well as at times historically informative, thought-provoking, and heart-wrenchingly nostalgic.”

“Burying Leo” by Helga Gruendler-Schierloh is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple iBooks, Google Play, Scribd, and Kobo worldwide.

About the author

Helga Gruendler-Schierloh is a bilingual writer with a degree in journalism and graduate credits in linguistics. During her childhood years in southern Germany, a much loved family friend introduced her to the magical allure of literature. Mesmerized with language in general, Helga spent time in London, England, to enhance her English language skills—before moving to the United States and making her home in Michigan.

Always a dreamer who spent countless hours roaming the Bavarian countryside, gathering flowers and studying cloud formations, Helga eagerly embraced an imaginary world. Deeply concerned with what makes people tick, she aims at writing “what you know”—even in her fiction stories. Her short stories, essays, articles, and poetry have been published in the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom.


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