"The Way We Go" a young adult coming of age novel by Roxie Prince


Lindsay Picou is sixteen going on thirty. She's been forced to not only take care of herself but to raise her little sister, too, because their mother, Gloria, is a part-time prostitute and a full-time wanderer. Then, Gloria meets Ben. He not only changes her life for the better but Lindsay's, too. These changes come with a set of challenges Lindsay isn't equipped for; she has to learn to be a student, a friend, and a daughter. In short, she has to learn how to be herself in a completely new world, and she is forced to learn things about the people in her life that both hurt and free her. Just when she starts to feel like she's getting a handle on things, she meets Micah, Ben's best friend, and things get a lot more complicated.

***This edition contains an excerpt from The Way We Go's companion novel, Growth Spurt****

About the author

Roxie Prince is an indie author, poet, and artist. She was born HIV+ and was orphaned by AIDS at the age of ten. She tells a story of survival through her works. Currently, she lives outside Houston, Texas with her partner of fifteen years, their monster-faced dog, and two guinea pigs. She's always writing and creating, and you can follow her journey many places online beginning with http://roxieprince.com.


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