Blog Hop with Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Prompt: 18th - 24th - Is there anything that drives you bonkers when you're reading a book and makes you want tell the author a thing or two? (submitted by C. Lee @ cleemckenziebooks)
One thing that really annoys me is when there is a little bit too much "fake it until you make it" AKA inadequate research on a topic. If an author really wants to write in detail about a topic (sports moves/fiction retelling of a historical event/medical terminology/forensics in a crime book), then they really need to understand the topic first. Or just leave it at the basics and move on with the story. I've read one too many intricate game plays that don't make any sense or medical events described that aren't a thing. These errors lose a lot of readers when the mistakes stack up to a cringe-worthy amount. The unfortunate part is that these errors usually have little to do with the overall story and are just doing more harm than good.
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